Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Welcome and Introductions!

Hello everyone out there in internet land. I think it is only right to introduce myself and share a little bit about myself in my very first post here. For my safety, I am Mandy, but I refuse to share my last name. You just never know who is out there and I have to think about myself and my safety. I am a 24 year old American girl living in the Midwest with dreams of the west coast. I have tons of interest that I will get into shortly, so be prepared for a long post.

I am an avid race car fan. I don’t really care what kind of car it is or if it is a bike, chances are I will most likely have an interest in it in some way of fashion. My first love was indycar and I came to love it my first year of high school because my band was in the parade of bands for the Indianapolis 500. I didn’t get to march because of knee pain I had, but I still went on that trip. I love Team Penske the most of any other team that competes mainly because of a little well known show called Dancing With the Stars and a driver known as Helio Castroneves. I grew to like him a lot and when I started to actively watch indycar he naturally became my favorite driver and he drives for Penske so naturally it became my favorite team. I recently became a big fan of Alexander Rossi since the first race of the 2016 indycar campaign. I try to hit a few races a year if I can, but I do make an effort to go to the Indy 500 every single year. I tend to sit right on the front straight by the start finish line as it is the best spot in my opinion if you want to hear what is going on while there. I typically watch the rest on tv or make sure it is recording so I can watch it later if I am stuck at work.

Alexander Rossi and I

My other hobbies are reading and writing obviously. I am running out of space for my books on the shelf I have. I am a huge Cassandra Clare fan and own everything she has written so far in the original covers and all hardback as well. Right now half my top shelf is just her stuff and she is still writing so expect it to fill up with just her soon. I do enjoy learning new things and right now I am learning to code in a few languages. I took on learning HTML for a website I run with a few friends I know in other states. I would also love to learn to code in C+ to help my dad with a raspberry pi project he is working on. I forgot to mention that I live with a computer programmer and thought if I had problems code wise he could help, but he doesn’t know HTML at all so I am self-teaching myself on this. I will also point out here, as many of you already know, that I hate firefox. If you really want to know why I will certainly explain to you the nightmare it is to try to code things in a way that firefox will be happy and accept it. I will probably write a rant on that in the near future to be honest. I think I speak for most coders when I say that browsers should pick one default language instead of them only supporting some stuff this way or that way. It would make coding much easier if they did.

I am also an avid video game player too. Chances are if I am not here or at work busting my rear end for my tips, yes you can ask me servers pay and what I tip out every night on my sales, I am playing a game. I love World of Warcraft (WoW as I will refer it) and it was the first true MMORPG I ever played with my father. I started it when it first came out back before they handed players stuff to make leveling easy and you had to ride all over the continents to complete any quest you had in the game or to get the flight path for it. Pre BC as well call it or Vanilla WoW. You can ask me all about that if you want. My second favorite is American McGee’s dark version of Alice. I never got a chance to play the original which is her freeing her physical body from the turmoil of what happened with wonderland as an escape from her reality, but I do love Madness Returns which is her restoring her broken memories. I am a totally fan of dark Alice to the point that I don’t care for the Disney version of her in the animate story.  I think dark Alice is more along the lines of what Charles Lutwidge (Lewis Carroll) was going for in my opinion. I am a very odd bird. I am such a fan of the game that I want to maybe cosplay as Alice just once, maybe more times.

I watch way too much tv for my own good and I have tons of shows I like. I am a huge fan already of Shadowhunters on freeform but lets face it the movie was awful and spoilerly to the point I walked away sad from the whole thing. I love Doctor who, Supernatural and Sherlock so I am basically a superwholock fan to the end of time and not afraid to admit it. I love Reign as well despite them offing Francis (sorry if that spoilers the show for people at all) and its just such a good show now and the plots are complexed. I love complexed plots that make you think. I am a fan of How to Get Away with Murder as well, but let’s face is Shonda is a genius on shows. I love Once Upon a Time too and I could talk for hours on that show as well if you so desire to. I love Castle as well and I am sad it is over, but I love the way they ended it. I have my theory on the ending and I think mine is right. I am looking forward to Guilt on freeform along with Dead of Summer. I can see now I am really into dark tv shows. Haha.

Music taste include a bit of everything I am not one to shy away from a suggestion on a band at all. I tend to like just about anything really except for rap music, rave music, scremo and some country too. I’ll give stuff a try but if it is rap or really hardcore music I am probably not going to be a huge fan of it at all. I love Paramore, Sleeping with Sirens, Within temptation, Evanescence and a lot more bands too. I know some of those break a few of my types of music I hate, but some brands I actually grow to like so shot me music ideas.

Movies are a huge toss up with me. If it looks interesting chances are I will want to go and see it. I do enjoy action movies over the hardcore romance movies, but I am willing to give them a try I just might make puke faces during the movie. I’ve been hurt a lot like Megara had in Hercules so I am not that trusting in the idea of love and a perfect guy who wants nothing else but a soul mate. I could be proven wrong, so far I haven’t. Deadpool, I love it. I am wildly inappropriate and so I think Deadpool speaks to me on that level. It was a great movie can’t wait for part two.

Lastly, I will point out that I am a republican as of recent because of Donald Trump. I don't buy into the media and what they say about them because many of the media outlets are liberal and of course will twist stories to make him look bad. I know this will offend people, but I promise I will leave out political viewpoints from this blog from here on out as it is a very  touchy subject with most. I will ask you respect my views on it and not bring it up in comments at all. I will just delete them and not respond so others don't have to be subjected to fights here. Thank you!

I can go on more and more on things that I like or don’t like but that would take a long time to type. This is a good start and if you want to know anything else don’t be afraid to ask me anything at all and I will gladly talk to you about it. I don’t shy away from topics that most people do. I was raised in a home where if I had a question on something I would get an answer on it that wasn’t a false answer. My parents’ were open about a lot of things with me growing up so nothing really can shock me at all.